If there is a life-threatening emergency please call 911 immediately.
If you have an urgent concern and would like to speak with a physician please call our office. During office hours, our staff is trained to triage these calls and can contact your doctor.
If our office is closed, our answering service will provide you with the on-call physician’s number. You can reach this doctor any time of day or night and they will provide guidance over the phone.
If you are out of town, we are happy to take your calls and provide recommendations on seeking appropriate medical care.
We do not charge for phone calls. We believe it is important that patients feel they can contact us when necessary and are not constrained by cost considerations. We pride ourselves on being available for our patients when they need us.
Below is a list of insurance plans that we accept as of January 2016. When patients see us as an “out of network” provider, we charge a rate comparable to our negotiated insurance rates. In addition, we offer a 10% discount if those charges are paid at the time of service.Aetna
Aetna Select
Aetna Affordable Health Choices Indemnity
Aetna Affordable Health Choices PPO
Aetna Choice POS II
Aetna Elect Choice
Aetna Health Network
Aetna Health Network Option
Aetna Managed Choice POS
Aetna Open Access Aetna Select
Aetna Open Access Elect Choice
Aetna Open Access Managed Choice
Aetna Open Choice PPO
Aetna Traditional Choice
Beech Street Corporation
Beech Street PPO
Blue Cross Blue Shield
BCBS Choice Care
Cigna HMO
Cigna POS
Cigna PPO
Cigna OAP
Cigna EPO
Cigna LocalPlus
Coventry PPO
Coventry PPO
First Health (rental network)
Evolutions Healthcare System
Evolutions PPO
Great West Healthcare
Great West HMO
Great West POS
Great West PPO
Healthcare’s Finest Network
Healthcare’s Finest Network HFN EPO
Healthcare’s Finest Network HFN POS
Healthcare’s Finest Network HFN PPO
Humana Inc.
Humana Choice Care
Humana PPO
Imagine Health Network PPO
Interplan Health Group/HealthSmart (fmr. PPI)
Interplan Health Group/HealthSmart PPO
Multiplan (PHCS fully absorbed into Multiplan)
Multiplan PPO
PHCS Savility
PHCS Savility PPO
Preferred Network Access (PNA)
Preferred Network Access PPO
Sagamore Health Network
Sagamore Health Network PPO
United Health Care
United Health Care PPO
United Health Care HMO
we do not take United Health Care Core products
This list changes often, please call our office to verify. For Northshore employees please call for plan information. Unfortunately at this time, we cannot take Public Aid patients.
A: Well child visits are an opportunity to monitor your child’s health and growth, address any concerns or medical problems and to provide preventative care in terms of immunizations and anticipatory guidance to your family.
There are frequent well child visits in the first two years of your child’s life due to the rapid growth and development that occurs over that time period.
If you are delivering at Evanston Hospital, we will come to the hospital to visit you and examine your baby there and will see you each day you are in the hospital. Upon discharge, your doctor will recommend the timing for your first office visit. This is usually 2-3 days after going home. If you are delivering at another hospital there will be an appointed pediatrician that will examine your baby and advise you on follow-up upon your discharge.
The subsequent well visits occur at:
1 month old
2 months old
4 months old
6 months old
9 months old
12 months old
15 months old
18 months old
24 months old
Following that we strongly recommend scheduling an annual well visit with your primary pediatrician to monitor growth and development.
A: We recommend that school aged children and teenagers have regular well visits in order to monitor their growth and development as well as to address any health concerns. In addition, there are several vaccinations that are recommended/required for this age group, such as the TdaP (tetanus diptheria and pertussis booster), meningitis vaccine, and HPV vaccine (human papilloma virus).
A: Yes.
We have morning appointments available every Saturday, Sunday and most holidays to see children who are sick. These are same-day appointments and may not be scheduled in advance. You may call as early as you want on the day that you wish your child to be seen. If our staff is not yet in the office, you may leave your name and number with our answering service, requesting a call-back for an appointment time when our staff becomes available.
Please note that you do need to call the office by 10:00 am to assure that your child will be seen. Our weekend and holiday appointments are booked consecutively.
A: Yes. If you have an urgent medical issue after hours, our answering service will provide you with the on-call physician’s number. You can reach this doctor any time of day or night and they can provide guidance over the phone.
Note that we do not charge for phone calls. We believe it is important that patients feel they can contact us when necessary and are not constrained by cost considerations. We pride ourselves on being available for our patients when they need us.
A: If this is a life threatening emergency please call 911.
If you have an urgent concern and would like to speak with a physician please call our office. During office hours, our staff is trained to triage these calls and can contact your doctor.
If our office is closed our answering service will provide you with the on-call physician’s number. You can reach this doctor any time of day or night and they can provide guidance over the phone.
If you are out of town, we are still happy to take your calls and provide recommendations on seeking appropriate medical care.
Note that we do not charge for phone calls. We believe it is important that patients feel they can contact us when necessary and are not constrained by cost considerations. We pride ourselves on being available for our patients when they need us.
A: A care-giver may bring your child to the office if necessary. Ideally, a parent should be available by phone to answer any questions from the physician and so that the doctor can provide information and follow-up about the child’s condition.
A: At our Evanston office you are welcome to park for free in our outdoor parking lot next to the building. Please make sure that you have our parking pass prominently displayed on your windshield so that you don’t get towed. If our lot is full, you may use one of the many lots in our vicinity that charge a small fee. At our Buffalo Grove office there is free parking in the outdoor parking lot next to the building.
A: If you are a new patient please fill out our patient information sheet and bring this with you to your first appointment. Also, bring any school or daycare paperwork that you need us to fill out.
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Dosing
Give the dose based on your child’s weight. If you don’t know your child’s weight, give the dose based on your child’s age. Acetaminophen is a medicine that may be given every 4-6 hours.
Please note: Infants’ Drops 80 mg in each 0.8 mL has been discontinued.
Infants’ Formulation Or Children’s Liquid: 160mg in each 5ml (1 tsp)
6-11lbs: ¼ tsp or 1.25 mL
12-17lbs: ½ tsp or 2.5 mL
18-23lbs: ¾ tsp or 3.75 mL
24-35lbs: 1 tsp or 5 mL
36-47lbs: 1 ½ tsp or 7.5 mL
48-59lbs: 2 tsp or 10 mL
60-71lbs: 2½ tsp or 12.5 mL
72-95lbs: 3 tsp or 15 mL
Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) Dosing
Ibuprofen is a medicine that may be given every 6-8 hours.
Please note: If the child is under 6 months of age, do not use Ibuprofen.
Infants Concentrated Drops 50 mg/1.25 mL: Not Recommended Before 6 Months
12-17 lbs: 1.25 mL
18-23 lbs: 1.875 mL
24-35 lbs: 2.5 mL
Children’s Liquid 100mg/5mL
12-17lbs: ½ tsp or 2.5ml
18-23lbs: ¾ tsp or 3.75ml
24-35bs: 1 tsp or 5 mL
36-47lbs: 1½ tsp or 7.5 mL
48-59 lbs: 2 tsp or 10 mL
60-71lbs: 2½ tsp or 12.5 mL
72-95lbs: 3 tsp or 15mL
Vaccine information
Vaccine information will be uploaded soon!
Haemophilus influenzae type b Vaccine
HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) Vaccine
MMRV (Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella) Vaccine
MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) Vaccine
Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine